Tiny acts of kindness can have BIG results. - Elizabeth Bourgeret
Depression is focusing on yourself; on your troubles and what is not right. You can't be depressed if you are focusing on others. It's impossible. - Elizabeth Bourgeret
Don't settle for anyone just to have a someone. Be patient. Have faith and wait for the right one. - Elizabeth Bourgeret
I know lonely can be hard, but the longer you stay in the wrong relationship, the longer it will take for the right one to find you. Don't stay in a relationship that doesn't build you up. - Elizabeth Bourgeret
Love lifts you up. Love is giving and kindness. Love is encouraging. Love is healing. If these things do not surround you, you are in the wrong relationship. - Elizabeth Bourgeret
Crying in the rain. No one sees your tears and your pain gets washed away. - Elizabeth Bourgeret
Don't stretch a season out to a lifetime. Know when to let go. - Elizabeth Bourgeret
Success is a choice; a promise that you make to yourself to keep moving forward. - Elizabeth Bourgeret
A woman in love respects and raises up her man. She is his constant source of support. She matches his heart and passions with her own. She sees the very best in him, even when he does not. She is his foundation; what he returns home to. - Elizabeth Bourgeret
Love is not really a mystery. It is a process like anything else. A process that requires trust, effort, focus and commitment by two willing partners - Elizabeth Bourgeret
Quick decisions made in anger, usually end in regret. - Elizabeth Bourgeret
Never underestimate the power of the words 'I love you' or the comfort of a simple hug. Grow your love daily. - Elizabeth Bourgeret